Each year, we are lucky to have the support of a number of partner organizations who make it possible to continue our work. Please take a moment to see who helps us, and learn about their broader work in the world. In the past we collaborated with:
- College Academy, (various locations in Massachusetts), www.collegeacademy.com
- Environmental Science Camp, Newton, MA, www.newtonenvisci.org
- Derby Academy Summer Arts Program, Hingham, MA, www.derbyacademy.org
- Sudbury Town Park and Recreation, Sudbury, MA
- Charles River School, Dover, MA, www.crcap.org
- The Cambridge School of Weston, Weston, MA
- YMCA WestSuburban
- Einstein's Workshop, Burlington MA, https://www.einsteinsworkshop.com
- Longfellow Club, Natick http://www.longfellowclubs.com
- Fay School www.fayschool.org
Our generous sponsors:
- Aspera ProEdu Foundation, Brasov, Romania, www.aspera.ro
- Centrade Saatchi and Saatchi Co., Bucharest, Romania, www.saatchi.com
- Terezia Pupeza Spa Skincare www.terezamariapupezaskincare.com
- Newton Dental Wellness https://www.newtondw.com